Adopting any kind of pet is going to be a big change for everyone involved. However, as we all know, cats deserve very particular treatment! Before you consider adopting a cat, you should always be well-prepared. It’s important you offer a home to your pet which is going to be safe, warm and loving. What’s more, you will need to make sure you have enough time that you can dedicate to them.
Here are a few points you should always consider before going ahead and adopting.

-1- Where are you adopting a cat from? It is important that you make sure to adopt from a reputable and RSPCA-recognised shelter. There are thousands of cats looking for good homes, and you are likely to find the perfect fit in a shelter or adoption centre near you.
-2- Do you have the time and space to offer a cat? While some cats are very solitary animals, they will also need a degree of attention and plenty of care. If you are rarely at home or are unable to give a cat a routine they can recognise, it may be worth considering your options.
-3- Are you likely to move a cat into a stressful environment? If your home life is strained or tense, this is likely to be a very stressful place for a cat to live. The best homes for cats are safe, loving and, wherever possible, predictable.
-4- How old a cat are you willing to adopt? It might be tempting to adopt a kitten as they are cute and fun to play with. However, they will require a lot of attention.
-5- What’s more, older cats need love, too! Make sure never to discriminate in terms of age when you look for a feline. Many felines live to be 20 years or older!
-6- Have you considered costs? You will need to budget not only for food, litter and toys, but also microchipping, yearly vaccinations and other vet bills. You should also make sure to set money aside in case of unexpected fees, as you are going to need to make sure your cat has access to the best care and attention.
-7- As the RSPCA states, there is always going to be paperwork involved when you adopt a cat. You should consider heading to a shelter or adoption centre to meet your potential future moggy in person. There, you’ll be able to tell whether or not you are going to be the right fit for each other!
-8- Do be aware that the RSPCA or any shelters you adopt from will ask to set up home visits to check how your new pet is getting on. This will be to make sure that you are both adapting well, that your environment is right for them, and to check if you have any queries or concerns.
-9- Consider your allergies, too! Many people may not realise that they are allergic to cats unless they get up close to them. It is a good idea to check your allergies with a GP just in case.
-10- You should certainly remember that adopting a cat is a lifelong choice. It is not something you choose to do for a few weeks, only to give a cat back again! While everyone has teething problems – and there may be extenuating circumstances – it is so important you and your pet are comfortable with each other early on. This is why it’s crucial to have home visits in place!
Ultimately, adopting a cat is a fantastic idea. All cats deserve loving homes! However, do make sure you consider your options carefully, and that you have the time and the environment a new pet deserves.